Provides a function for the estimation of mixture of longitudinal factor analysis models using the iterative expectation-maximization algorithm (Ounajim, Slaoui, Louis, Billot, Frasca, Rigiard (2023), doi:10.1002/sim.9804) and several tools for visualizing and interpreting the models' parameters.
Presents two methods to estimate the parameters 'mu', 'sigma', and 'tau' of an ex-Gaussian distribution. Those methods are Quantile Maximization Likelihood Estimation ('QMLE') and Bayesian. The 'QMLE' method allows a choice between three different estimation algorithms for these parameters : 'neldermead' ('NEMD'), 'fminsearch' ('FMIN'), and 'nlminb' ('NLMI').
Presents two methods to estimate the parameters 'mu', 'sigma', and 'tau' of an ex-Gaussian distribution. Those methods are Quantile Maximization Likelihood Estimation ('QMLE') and Bayesian. The 'QMLE' method allows a choice between three different estimation algorithms for these parameters : 'neldermead' ('NEMD'), 'fminsearch' ('FMIN'), and 'nlminb' ('NLMI').