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Morgan Pierre's Publications

Last updated September 23rd, 2024.

Accepted Papers


Convergence to equilibrium for the Cahn-Hilliard equation on the unit cube (see Ref. 36)
ut=-∆2u+ ε-2 ∆ (u3-u)
ε=0.04 / time step dt=1e-7
random initial value
Finite difference discretization in space
linear IMEX (implicit-explicit) discretization in time

The 2D and 3D PYTHON code is available here.

An optimal ship hull based on Michell's wave resistance formula (see Refs. 25 and 35)

The BDF6 method is not quadratically stable (see Ref. 37)

Convergence to equilibrium for the Cahn-Hilliard equation on the unit disc (see Ref. 11)
ut=-α∆2u+ ∆ (u3-u)
α=0.05 / time step dt=0.015 / 600 iterations
random initial value
P1-P1 Finite element discretization in space
backward Euler discretization in time
Software: FreeFem++

Convergence to equilibrium for the Modified Phase Field Crystal equation (see Ref. 20)
βutt+ut=Δ[∆2u+ 2∆u+u3+(1-ε)u]
on the square (0,6π)x(0,6π) with periodic boundary conditions
β=0.1 / ε=2 / time step dt=0.25 / 200 iterations
initial value u0(x,y)=0.2+0.2cos(x)cos(y) and ut(0)=0
P1-P1-P1 Finite element discretization in space
2nd order discretization in time (scheme of Gomez and Hughes)
Software: FreeFem++